Motion Advertisements

ACNC is on the cutting edge of advertisements. Short, informative, advertisements are one way we deliver innovative technical expertise. These can be created as engaging .mp4s and <20mb graphic interchange formatted images.


This is a sample from an unreleased ACNC advertisement.

Scan this QR Code to get the ACNC dancers and Aseyori Condensed cube where you are!

Mobile Already? Click Here

Augmented Reality

In 2020, Quick Response(QR) codes resurged as a great way to communicate and advertise in a more contactless world. Rethinking the use of technology increased the community accustomed to scanning QR codes to receive information. ACNC is taking that familiarity to the next level by pairing it with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences.

Imagine how ACNC can boost your business!

Training & Tutorials

ACNC is actively leaning into the new and popular ways to instruct and train our own employees beyond the standard beloved powerpoint presentation. Animation adds life to presentations, and the informative details allow for a respected discourse, even in a fun environment!


This informational video was released internally to ACNC employees as part of our 2021 Aseyori rebranding campaign.

This video introduced ACNC employees to our Aseyori world that was created for a company-wide Oculus Quest 2 gamming event.

3-D Imagery

ACNC’s design team masters programs like Adobe Dimension and Blender to create intriguing three-dimensional renderings. Take your project to the next level with ACNC!

This 3D render of T.E.D.I., the ACNC Bot, is an example of our 3D design capabilities. Scan the QR code to pose with T.E.D.I.! Mobile Already? Click Here

Rigging the .fbx model

Manipulation of posed character

Colorization fine-tuning and preparation for 3D Rendering