On May 31st, the Boys and Girls Club in Annapolis hosted an ACNC BYTE event. Over 30 children learned about programming, software development, and robotics. 

 The event began with a PB&J demonstration played by Vicki and Wendy as the programmer and the computer. The students were amused and engaged as they edited their PB&J program. 

Following the introduction and snacks, they split into two groups and alternated between robotics and programming. Damien and Wendy led, “Making a Band” utilizing Scratch pseudo coding. Some children proved to be natural coders making elaborate sets, bands, and playlists. 

Larry and Vicki led the robotics class where the children had a great time creating an obstacle course and learning to program the MBot. 

The Boys and Girls Club was excited about the number of children who showed up for the BYTE event and they look forward to inviting ACNC back for another workshop.  


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